
For individuals, groups, teams

In my perspective, coaching creates room for reflection. It is like a rehearsal stage. A good thing you allow yourself, when something is holding you back, hindering you to do what you want or need to do. It is for people who take it up, in their own hands. It's not about therapy, however rather future oriented, active. Something you do to get back in charge of your own life's responsibilities.

When it's rocky. And perhaps it feels like everything's happening too slowly. Or you can't see the way clearly. 

If you need a sparring partner or a change of perspective. When someone should just listen to you or bring in another point of view. When you want to treat yourself with time for yourself and reflection. When you are feeling stuck and can't see the forest for the trees. When you want to develop a personal, long-term strategy for yourself. 

You realize, there are countless reasons for when and why a coaching can be appropriate or helpful. 

Maybe you are just curious and want to try it out :-)

You want to dive deeper into coaching right away? Then maybe our LeConnex Coaching Basic Course is something for you:

Further Coaching-formats

Individual Coaching

For when it's getting bumpy. No matter if a single session, or a process. This is where you find all the info on individual coachings.

Constellation work

Looking for ideas on how to "position" yourself regarding a certain situation or aspect? Feeling the need to get a "clearer picture"? Something is bothering you, and you would appreciate "a different perspective"? Welcome to the world of constellation work.

Coaching for men, only.

With some (male) colleagues I am offering a program called Coaching for men, only. Why? Because there are way more opportunities for women to exchange, to place their specific topics on a table, to have time and space to discuss what is important to them. We're not saying that is not a good thing! We're simply thinking: Men should have that, too. Space. Time. Only for yourself. To discuss what matters for you. To reflect. Get new perspectives. Get into it with role (behaviors). To try out new things.

Coaching + mentoring, intensive

You are not interested in a longer process, however you feel the need to go deep? Welcome to our deep dive program. This is where + how you can work intensely in a condensed amount of time on a topic you really want to solve now. To support the cognitive work on other levels, I am working here with colleagues of other professions to support the integration processes.

No matter what: 

Working with me, I invite you to be looking at things from different perspectives. I am interested in the mindset, that enables us or disables us to realize certain things in our lives, and how we work on that mindset to change in our own favor. 

The methods I am applying have systemic roots and are enriched by many schools. I also study neurosciences intensively, in order to understand how our brain works and how we can integrate useful coaching results into our lives in a more sustainable way. 

Mostly I will ask you questions, that allow you to shift your focus. Conscious awareness is a major help in that, so we'll work on that. Exercises, or even smaller experiments can help you to try out something new. And even though I certainly do have opinions, which I can share if you want to me to, I am not giving advice.

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