LeConnex Coaching Basiskurs
LeConnex Coaching Basiskurs
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LeConnex Coaching Basics Training

6 modules. Neuroscientifically substantiated, based on experience, systemic-integrative.

You are in the right place if...

  • You consider coaching to be exciting. You don't need to know if you even want to work as a coach yet or if coaching-skills "only" support your current tasks.
  • You have the feeling that it would be helpful to open up the "blackbox" of people, in addition to the day-to-day business of the company
  • You want to make a journey to yourself, that is guided in a structured way and scientifically substantiated
  • The next training should be different and you still want to learn something and get new input
  • You simply want to learn, discover, take new perspectives
  • You realize, that in your work environment it depends on more than "work level" + the usual tools
  • And you specifically want to develop on an interpersonal level and generate an attitude (coaching - from our point of view - is exactly this: an attitude)
  • Du an einem Wendepunkt in Deinem Leben bist, und Dich von anderen wie auch durch Werkzeuge, die Du selbst anwenden kannst, in diesem Prozess begleiten und unterstützen (lassen) magst

Coaching basics training


Termine 2025/26

Modul 1: 2.-4.10.2025

Modul 2: 20.-22.11.2015

Modul 3: 29.-31.1.2026

Modul 4: 19.-21.3.2026

Modul 5: 7.-9.5.2025

Modul 6: 25.-27.6.2026



The exact address will be announced after registration.

(reachable by public transport)


Coaching basics training

(Modules 1-6, 18 days)

€ 3750,– inkl. 20% MwSt. (for private payers), or excl. VAT for corporate customers. 

The LeConnex Coaching/trainer team

Who are you working with in the LeConnex coaching basics training?



Expert for change of perspective, designing & accompanying inner processes, experienced coach for individuals and groups, host of constellations, senior coach in DBVC.

Kathrin works based on neuroscientific research results. In the coaching basics training Kathrin will introduce the professional aspects: methods, models, backgrounds. She will guide the exercises, that will help you to systematically build up your own practice, little by little.

Verena Anna Buck


Founder of Blossom Work Method and Aesthetic Work Method. Expert in design theory and gestalt theory. Works, teaches and coaches with and on all aspects of the exterior.

In our coaching basics training Verena will mainly work with us on how we can present desired aspects in the exterior, and how the conscious designing of the exterior world, affects our inner world, as well as what we can learn from it about ourselves and our own processes. 

LeConnex Coaching Basics Training

Structure of the 6 modules

Module 1:

Intro module: what is coaching? The coaching process, the setting, tools to start with, making your own first experiences, models + first basics, attitude in coaching, boundaries to other professional fields

Module 2:

Self-awareness, Day 1 & Practice Module I: you will get to know and try out further coaching tools. The focus is on exercises and own implementation. With "live" clients.

Module 3:

Self-awareness part II: from the outside to the inside, working with what is on the "outside". Getting to know yourself better in order to recognize pitfalls as a coach, to dissolve projections. On the 3rd day: open questions about the contents so far + exercises as well as live demo.

Module 4:

Locating Module: foundations of coaching: roots, sources and theory. Classification and linkage with important schools + theories, special attention to reflection. Introduction of creative techniques.

Module 5:

Practice module II: placing one's own focus. Virtual coaching. Practice, practice, practice. Transfer to the everyday life. Contracting, professional attitude + competences as coach, ethics

Module 6:

Final module & self-awareness III


Register now for the Coaching Basics Training

Detailed information on the modules

Oktober 2025

Module 1:

In the intro-module, we start directly with the first practical experience. We know that learning also means linking your own experiences with theory. What this means for us more precisely: we do not only ask ourselves what coaching actually means, but also start directly with the first exercises in order to generate our own immediate coaching experiences. Then we use the discoveries we have just made to embed helpful techniques. We develop basic tools such as questioning techniques, already work with metaphors, and get to know models for coaching. In between we practice - again and again. And through practice we understand how coaching differs from other professional fields, which basics are important, and how we can actively work with and on our attitude. 


Theoretical foundations: 

  • Maxim of systemic work
  • System theory + constructivism (from Förster, Maturant, Luhmann, Watzlawick)
  • Foundations of communication (Satir, Watzlawick, Schulz von Thun, Rosenberg)
  •  Neuroscientific basics
  • (systemic) questioning techniques
  • Solution orientation (de Shazer, Berg, Sparrer)
Oktober 2025

November 2025

Module 2:

Self-awareness day I & practice module 1: It's been a few weeks since we had our first own coaching experience. What has already been consolidated? What have we already integrated into the everyday life? We use this first practice module to understand for ourselves what it may take to actually anchor discoveries and results. We develop tools that are beneficial to our future clients, our interlocutors, or anyone with whom we would like to helpfully intervene with coaching techniques and help to anchor useful aspects in a helpful way. And of course we practice a lot to integrate what we have learned into our own practice. We learn more techniques, refine what we already know, and deepen the work on our own attitude - towards ourselves, towards our clients, as well as towards the common working relationship, i.e. the process. 

Further theoretical foundations:

  • Neuroscientific backgrounds (Hüther, Bauer, Kahneman, Siegel, Bargh, and many more)
  • Techniques in coaching (Wehrle, Simon, Tomm, Bates, Schulz von Thun, and more)
  • everything, that we have already used in module 1
November 2025

Januar 2026

Module 3:

Understanding the "inside" through the "outside". In this self-awareness module, which is an essential part of our concept, we approach the inner processes of our (future) clients as well as our own inner processes by consciously paying attention to aspects on the outside and responding to them. How can we use the "outside" in a helpful way to create pleasant settings for us? What can we learn from external aspects and integrate into our inner processes? 

From our point of view, self-awareness is essential in a coaching environment, because we want to invite our participants to consciously shape the external process in the coaching setting. Knowing how to get to your own meta-level, when it is important to perceive yourself as if being on the outside, in order to act in a "clean way" in the process, in the interest of our clients, can make the difference and encourage professionalism on many levels.

Theoretical foundations:

  • Design theory
  • Gestalt theory
  • Phenomenological approaches
  • Multisensory coherence
  • Helpful object-relationship 
  • and many more

This module is led by Verena Anna Buck. 

The self-awareness part will be on day 1+2, and on the 3rd day it will be completed with content, where open questions of the participants can be answered. This day also includes a live-demo.


Januar 2026

März 2026

Module 4:

Our so-called "locating module": You have now already dealt quite intensively with yourself in a coaching role. You have practiced and deepened your first steps, learned more about yourself, reflected a lot, tried out new things. And maybe you asked yourself - what is this all based on? Who thought of this? Why do we do certain things a certain way in coaching, and other things we don't? Why are some things frowned upon, others hyped? 

In the foundations - roots - sources module we now dive deeper. We link what we have already learned with the important schools and theories, while remaining completely practice-oriented. We use the unbelievable thinking and work that generations before us have done to inspire us, to think further, to go new - own - ways. We actively make connections - and thus, in the spirit of neuroscience, link what we have learned here with what we have known for a long time. We try out new things, learn from them, discover. In addition, we get in touch with our own courage, with our own creativity - a fantastic basis for us as a coach or someone who wants to act coaching-like 🙂 

März 2026

Mai 2026

Module 5:

Practice module II: so much has happened since our first, perhaps shaky, attempts at coaching. And so much more we have tried, discovered, found since then. Time to play with it, to get active feedback from the direct working group here in the course, to track down where our own focus / strengths / fascinations as coaches lie. 

And also to use what I have already practiced in a different way: Does anything change when I coach online / virtually? What do I need to actually get started with my first clients? Which helpful aspects on the outside and which inner techniques strengthen my professionalism in this role, regardless of the setting in which I perform it? 

How can I present my competence as a coach? Which ethical aspects are essential for me - with my values? And how do I structure contracting, i.e. the conclusion of a contract, whether with a direct "clientele" or on behalf of a client? What options do I have if I want to act like a coach? So many exciting things that we will look at in peace, shortly before the end of the basic course and again accompanied by many exercises! 

Mai 2026

Juni 2026

Module 6:

Our final module is dedicated to the participants. What is still open now? What do I still need? What do I specifically want to practice? 

It will again be enriched by the self-awareness part II. 

The whole module will be designed co-creative with the course, so that everyone can start with a good feeling from this basic course into the first own application in the "real" world, beyond the protected practice room. 

Juni 2026


What happens after my registration?  

If you have registered on this page and has sent us your mail address, we will send you the training contract, as well as further informations to your email address. After returning the signed contract, you will receive a confirmation of admission, as well as the invoice with the total amount of the workshop (about 8 weeks before the course starts). With that, you are formally and officially registered 🙂  

With the payment of your invoice, your access to our platform will be set up, and you can already view the first documents such as the list of literature.  

Are there any specific requirements to participate in the workshop?  

You should have a desire to learn, an interest in personal development and be ready for a lot of exercises. The theoretical parts are geared towards beginners without any previous knowledge, so you can also participate without any previous trainings in this field.  

If you are already trained, feel free to talk to us in advance - maybe the advanced coaching course is the better choice for you 🙂  

What kind of equipment do I need for my participation? 

In general none. It is helpful if you have access to the internet and can receive emails. But even if this is not possible, we will find a way to provide you with the documents. Our scripts will be available for download / print on our homepage. If you like to take notes in seminars, then it is certainly helpful if you have a pad + pen at hand and with you.  

For the module in which we look at online coaching, it is an advantage if you have a laptop or internet-enabled tablet at hand, and if not, there is a solution here as well. You do not need to purchase any technical equipment for this course.  

If you like reading, the bibliography will be very helpful, and you can certainly find many or all of the titles in publicly accessible libraries. We are also happy to lend our textbooks - in exceptional cases - for a pre-arranged period of time. 

What kind of documents will be provided? 

There is already a literature list on our homepage (in the closed area for the participants). There you can browse at any time if you feel like it, and maybe look at one or the other thing in advance, if you want. But we do not rely on it 😉  

For each module there will be a script, which will also be uploaded (online in the member's area).  

Will the course take place face-to-face only?  

Our current planning (as of summer 2022) includes working in presence in Vienna. If we have to observe legal restrictions, e.g. due to a new or re-emerging pandemic, we will jointly examine whether we can move the modules from the face-to-face to a virtual environment, or whether we can postpone them. If you miss a module due to such organizational changes, you will have the opportunity to make it up in the following year.  

What happens if I miss one day? 

You will receive your certificate even if you miss a whole module. You also have the possibility to participate in the modules that you couldn't attend, in the following year. If it is more than 1 module, you will receive the certificate of attendance only if you have successfully attended at least 5 of the 6 modules.  

Until when can I register? Will there be any costs then? 

You will always find the latest information and regulations directly on the homepage. Late registration will not involve any further costs.

Will I receive a certificate after participating successfully?

Yes 🙂  

What happens after completing the course? What is the next step for me? 

After completing the LeConnex Coaching Basic Course you are welcome to participate in the Advanced Coaching Course. All information about this course can also be found here on the homepage.